DDN - Gestão de Projetos, S.A.






Social responsibility is part of the DNA of our company, being DDN’s pillar of reference in market positioning. Because we appreciate not only the projects but also the people and their needs, DDN seeks to promote initiatives in order to assist the community in that it operates, promoting social and economic development.

It’s important to note that this is a concern that starts from within, so it is inherent to our entire line of action for the well-being of our employees and their families, ending in the surrounding community.

And because our initiatives have faces, records and memories we leave these links for your consultation, so that you can testify and follow some of the initiatives that we set out to help:

Renascer das cinzas, Já!

Plano Estratégico para o Envelhecimento Sustentável da Amadora

Notícias nas Redes Sociais