Most people living in highly populated towns see themselves often faced with having to dwell in apartments with small areas. This often means developing ingenious shapes to maximize space, whether through the use of modular furniture, clever storage tricks or innovative designs.

We present in this article, several solutions developed by architects for apartments with areas up to 45 m2 that optimize and make such areas more harmonious.

Enjoying the high height of this apartment with only 22 m2, it created a mezzanine, thereby enabling the creation of the room at a higher level, while at the ground level it was created a central block for toilet, living room and kitchen. Using light colours both on the floor, ceiling and walls, it has given the sensation of space in the apartment.

In this 36 m2apartment, it was used multipurpose furniture, which is also used as a partition, thereby defining the area between room and room.

In an apartment with 36 m2, designers took advantage of the balcony and two different types of floor are used to give a notion of space. It also used the girder between the apartment and the balcony to set the separation of the environments.

Watch the video here: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/eb9i3uw4Oi52I5GwiWQizc240hk=/0x0:1200×800/920×0/filters:focal(0x0:1200×800):gifv():no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/7134457/BatiikStudio-Romain_02.0.gif

Source: https://www.curbed.com/2016/9/20/12990520/best-micro-apartments-from-around-the-world