A solution has been developed that will make it accessible to all wallets to provide acclimatization to your housing or workplace. Applying a film on the roof, you can keep the temperature of a common house at 20 °C on a day when the thermometers mark 37 °C, all this without increasing your energy bill and without emissions of harmful gases to the environment.

Thermal comfort, whether in your house or workplace is a recurring subject: withstand the heat or increase the cost of the energy bill? In addition to this question, others will surface, whether they are cost-related, as an air-conditioning apparatus is expensive equipment, or environmental issues, due to greenhouse gases emissions. At the University of Colorado, USA, two researchers have developed an alternative solution accessible to all wallets, which is a “greener” solution and as efficient as conventional air-conditioning appliances.

Ronggui Yang and Xiabo Yin have created a film that is capable of cooling environments, without the need to use refrigerated gas and electric power. This film operates in the process of filtering the solar rays that focus on the Earth’s atmosphere, allowing some red wavelengths (responsible for bringing heat), escaping into space without any obstacle. Thus, this film converts unwanted heat into infrared radiation at the exact wavelength that the planet emits.

The film consists of Polimetilpentane (a transparent plastic found in retail, which comes by adding glass stones), coated with silver on just one side. The material is transformed into blades with thickness of 50 millionths of a meter. When the film is placed on a roof, the silver side is on the bottom side, and thus sunlight is reflected by the silver side through the plastic, preventing the heating from the environment, also releasing the indoor heat into the atmosphere.

This film features a cooling power of 93 w/m², which implies that only 20 m² of film will be sufficient to maintain the temperature of a common house at 20 °C on a day when the thermometers mark 37 °C.

Given the film can be produced using methods traditionally used by the industry, its cost will be located between the 50 cents (€0.46) per m².

